Clifton Street, Worsley, Mesnes, Wigan, Greater Manchester WN3 5HN

01942 776457

Worsley Mesnes Community Primary School

We Learn Like Champions



Parents' Guide to EYFS 


The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) has been introduced following the Childcare Act (2006). The EYFS is a comprehensive framework that sets the standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to 5.

Click on the picture link below for more information on what your child will be learning in nursery and reception.-

( Please be patient this is a large document that takes time to open)






Sure Start


Sure Start is a government initiative aiming to make life better for children, families and communities.   

Children's centres are intended as one stop shops for children under 5 and their families.

They provide support for parents and access to health services for children and their parents; integrated childcare and early education; information and advice about children's services, parenting support and a range of family support services; training and advice to help parents gain skills and find work.

All the different organisations offering these services work together to offer the best support to all children, families and communities. This will help children, particularly those that are disadvantaged in some way, get the best possible start in life.

Our nearest Sure Start centre is Hope Children's Centre. Click here for information about that centre.